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Weed Profile - Green cestrum (Cestrum parqui)

21st Jan 2021
Also known as: green poison berry, Chilean cestrum. Green cestrum is a large shrub with shiny leaves, clusters of yellow flowers and shiny, black berries. It is highly poisonous to cattle and can kill both animals and humans.
Human poisoning - All parts of the plant, especially the berries, are very toxic if eaten. Eating green cestrum causes liver poisoning and can be fatal. Avoid touching the plant with bare skin.
Livestock poisoning - Green cestrum can cause ‘sudden death’ in livestock. Animals that appeared healthy 24 hours before will be found dead for no clear reason. Animals that have eaten green cestrum might die in a few hours, or be sick for a few days before they die.
What does it look like?
Green cestrum is a shrub that grows 2–3 m high. It usually has many light-green, brittle stems. It sometimes grows into thickets. Established plants lose most of their leaves during winter and produce new growth in spring.
Where is it found?
Green cestrum has been found in all regions of NSW. It is most common in the Hunter, Greater Sydney, North Coast and North West regions. It was introduced from South America as an ornamental garden plant. It has become a weed in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.
Successful weed control requires follow up after the initial efforts. This means looking for and killing regrowth or new seedlings. Using a combination of control methods is usually more successful.

Source: NSW WeedsWise